Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Jeff McQuede High Country Mystery Series in Order of Publication



Sheriff Jeff McQuede becomes suspicious when a robber breaks into the Coal County Museum and steals only one item - a black-and-white class photograph. Under the name Jerome Slade the photographer had printed two ominous words: never graduated.  When a body is unearthed beneath the newly demolished school, McQuede realizes Slade had not left Black Mountain the night of the spring dance. McQuede soon uncovers hidden rivalries between Slade and his classmates. When he discovers that Heather Kenwell and the woman of his dreams, Loris Conner, were rivals for Slade's affection, McQuede fears finding out the truth.  Theft, blackmail, and another brutal killing lead back to photographs taken by Black Mountain's eccentric photographer, Bruce Fenton. While others see an innocent collection, McQuede sees murder in black and white.

 Murder in Black and White is a mystery following Sheriff Jeff McQuede as the most unusual burglary occurs...a riveting old-school style mystery that is as fun as it is entertaining.  - Midwest Book Review

Purchase Link: Murder in Black and White


 Sheriff Jeff McQuede finds 'Bartering Bill' Garr murdered at his rural antique store. Only one item is missing -- a rare artifact believed to be the Pedro Mummy. First discovered in a cave in Wyoming, the Pedro Mummy was reported missing in the 1950s. Dr. Seth Talbot, newly arrived in town, has put out a fifteen-thousand-dollar reward for any information on the mummy, hoping that modern technology will prove his theory that a tiny race of people actually existed: one the Shoshones call the Nimerigar, or Little People. McQuede is astounded to find the mummy in the trunk of Seth Talbot's car. Talbot swears he;s being set up by rival co-workers -- Dr. Arden Reed, in particular -- who plans to benefit from his research. McQuede suspects the theft of the mummy is a red herring used to cover up the true motive for the crime. The closer he comes to the truth, the deeper McQuede is drawn into an elaborate hoax that threatens his career and places him in grave danger.

If you like a mystery with an interesting location as well as colorful characters, this is the one for you. --Reader's Favorite, Jean Brickell 

Purchase Link:  Whispers of the Stones


The famous Carlo painting Stealer of Horses sells for cash in a small Wyoming town and gallery owner Sheldon Spence gives the $200,000 to his wife, who walks over to the bank to make the deposit...and never returns.  A witness claims to have seen a frightened-looking Susan Spence in a battered old Chevy, speeding out of town. And each succeeding clue reveals a different angle on her disappearance. Sheriff Jeff McQuede begins to wonder if this is more than a simple case of kidnapping and robbery. Was Sheldon involved in Susan's disappearance? Or did Susan and a lover fake the scheme, planning to run off with the money they stole from Sheldon? The identity of a victim found shot behind the wheel of the Chevy holds the key to one ominous question: Is Susan Spence a kidnap victim-or is she part of some sinister ploy?

"A tremendous story that is on par with the best mysteries available on the market..."
Nicola Davies for Readers Favorite

Purchase Link:  Stealer of Horses   


An ominous black hood, a murdered judge.   When Sheriff Jeff McQuede finds Durmont's highly respected judge, Phil Grayson, bludgeoned to death in his study, a black executioner's hood shoved over his head, he faces his toughest case yet.  The judge has many enemies, including Darin Keefe, sentenced by Grayson and just released from prison. McQuede soon finds out that Keefe's case is linked to a city scandal that may involve Grayson. Seven years ago the judge's best friend, John Harwood, was believed to have taken a bribe from Keefe Construction and to have committed suicide rather than face conviction.  Had Keefe, taking the fall, left prison intent on revenge?   Or is the the judge's murder the result of a robbery gone wrong? Grayson died surrounded by his fabulous Old West outlaw collection, including a death mask, a famous Peacemaker, and other rare artifacts. The intruder could have been after some unknown item of great value.   Is the judge's murder a simple burglary gone wrong or a case of modern-day vigilante justice?

McQuede is a character that would make anybody feel safe and secure. Barry Dawson, is a good friend but you'd just want to smack him for being careless with his life. The Judge? He, like everyone else, was a mixture of good and bad--the question is, which got him killed?
 Sandra Murphy-- King's River Life Magazine

Purchase Link: The Executioner's Hood


 In the heart of a raging blizzard Sheriff Jeff McQuede discovers a woman frozen to death in her car. At first he believes her death to be an unfortunate accident--until he finds clues that point to cold-blooded murder. Margaret's husband, Arthur, left her in the stalled vehicle to brave the storm and manages to reach Joe Trevino's isolated ranch. The case becomes more complicated because of the recent warehouse robberies at Trevino's store. McQueede finds that Trevino is Margaret Burnell's business partner, and that she has traveled from their Casper store to conduct a company audit. In addition, Margaret has planned to meet with her only child, a run-away daughter she hasn't seen in years. Trevino, the missing daughter, and Arthur Burnell would all profit financially from Margaret's demise. Has a relentless killer tracked and sabotaged the Burnells, or did Arthur simply abandon his wife for his share of the money, leaving her to die an icy death?

I loved the setting in An Icy Death...The cold, brutal Wyoming winter is the perfect setting for a book that you want to curl up in front of the fire with and never stop reading...  I also liked the fact that no one w as ever sure that the murder was really a murder. At first, it appeared to be a tragic accident. ... Was the husband at fault? Or was this a simple act of ugly nature? Nice job!  Janelle Fila --Readers' Favorite

Purchase Link:  An Icy Death 


While returning from Professor Dawson's lecture on haunted places, the last thing Sheriff Jeff McQuede and Dawson expect to encounter is a terrified woman clinging to the railing of Mirabella's Bridge, crying for her lost baby. It looks as if Rae Harris has thrown the infant over the bridge in a fit of despair, but she claims he has been stolen by a ghostly figure she calls Mirabella. Similar to the La Llorona legend Dawson just spoke about, Mirabella was a local pioneer woman who was rumored to have drowned her infant after being abandoned by a lover. At first McQuede believes Rae was driven by madness, but he soon finds evidence that her story may be true, and the perfectly timed kidnapping of her child may be in some way related to lecture attendee and local celebrity, Jim Royce, and his vast fortune.

"My favorite book in the series" 
In a crime that mirrors the haunting legend of Mirabella, a 'crying woman' whose story is a variation of the legend of La Llorona, a babe goes missing and the distraught mother claims a ghost has stolen him away. Despite roadblock after roadblock, Sheriff McQuede doggedly pursues the truth, not believing that a legend has come to life...  Lillie Amman, Reviewer

Purchase Link:  Crying Woman Bridge 


Threatened victim, waiting grave…Sheriff McQuede is called to the cemetery by Ben Ward, a member of Durmont's Good Old Boys' Club. Ward's tombstone, where he plans someday to be buried with his first wife, is vandalized. A menacing date of death, fast approaching, has been drilled into the stone, and splotches of red paint drips over it like blood. Ben Ward and his four partners have sunk vast sums of money into a recreational community, Pleasant Valley Retreat, and this failing project has flamed anger among the investors. As the inscribed date of Ward's death draws nearer, a killer stalks the resort. McQuede must act quickly before a vandal's threats turn into reality.

"An excellent story that starts with a unused tombstone being vandalized. Murder follows as a Ponzi scheme is uncovered by the sheriff on the eve of his wedding. Fans of C.J. Box will enjoy this modern day Western series by a pair of sisters. This was a free review copy in PDF format provided by the authors. I'm looking forward to reading more books in the series as once I started the story was difficult to put down.--5 star Goodreads review-- Fredrick 

Purchase Link: Murder and the Good Old Boys' Club

Book 8: Rapid River Hoax

After McQuede is jilted at the altar by his long-time girlfriend, Dawson convinces him that a relaxing river rafting trip is just what he needs to get over his heartaches. Unknown to Dawson, McQuede has come along to investigate the disappearance of a young man who has recently vanished from the lodge.  Andy Norton may be perpetuating one of  his notorious hoaes or he may be in serious danger.  Dawson also has a secret motive for the trip.  He is searching for a rare Native American Sheepeater camp, a project that draws Loris and her boss and rival, Arden Reed, to the scene.  Surrounded by colorful characters and intrigue, McQuede finds himself in a race to save valuable artifacts and to find out what happened to Andy. 

Purchase Link: Rapid River Hoax

Book 9: Deadly Purchase

Buyer beware!  To create excitement, Ruger, a shady dealer at tha annual rendezvous flea market, puts up for auction a locked Civil War trunk with contents to be sold sight unseen!  That night, the highest bidder, Zeke Jones, is found stabbed to death beside the trunk.  Sheriff Jeff McQuede believes Jones has interrupted a robbery in progress.  Several people had offered to buy old coins, photos, and medals from him, which indicates to McQuede that Jones had already sold what the robber had been after.  Acts of vandalism follow as the thief continues his ruthless search.  Baffled, McQuede must bet the killer to a treasure he can't even identify.  Fear spreads throughout the Black River Rendezvous as McQuede tries to discover the secret behind the mysterious trunk before another murder occurs.

Purchase Link: Deadly Purchase

Book 10: Blame it on Bigfoot

Bigfoot comes to Wyoming!
When Sheriff Jeff  McQuede's friend, Barry Dawson, tricks him into attending a Bigfoot convention at the small town of Trail's End, he finds the adventure is only beginning.  He is soon invited by the head of the research team, Dr. Adam Kurtz, to hike with them into the isolated mountains beyond Lost Man's Peak where few people ever venture. McQuede immediately noticed friction among the members of the team--love triangles, resentment, and greed Professor Callahan has obtained special funding for the project because of his claim to have encountered Bigfoot in this area, and Dr. Kurtz intends to call him out for being a fraud. The first night out trouble erupts.  Ted Weiss insists that he spotted Bigfoot near his camp and tells them he was almost attacked.  Is Bigfoot really out there, or is someone perpetuating a carefully-planned hoax?  When murder follows, McQuede must solve the biggest case in his career!

Purchase Link: Blame it on Bigfoot

Book 11: The Great Wyoming Treasure Hunt Murders  

The hunt is on!  Who will find Max Rigby's gold?
Enterprising Boyd Archer decides to purchase and renovate the old ghost town of Galva, Wyoming, site of the once prosperous Galva Gold  Mine.  During the mine's heyday, a strongbox filled with gold and jewelry was stolen in a stagecoach robbery by Max Rigby, the vicious Black Mountain Bandit.  This treasure is rumored to be hidden somewhere on his rugged, mountain property.  As a promotional stunt, in the spirit of fun, Archer advertises a hunt for the missing strongbox.  Archer, who has allowed only a limited number of people to sign up for the search, doesn't count on the ruffians who appear in serious quest.  Men such as Leo Flint, Sammy Ratone, Ruger, and Don Reynolds, driven by competition and greed, will stop at nothing to fid the gold.  Sheriff Jeff McQuede is sure of one thing: there's going to be trouble!

Book 12: The Spanish Cave Heist 

Late at night Sheriff Jeff McQuede is awakened by a frantic pounding on his door.  Arden Reed, his rival for Loris Conner, pleads for his help in finding Loris, who has been kidnapped.  Reed claims she possesses a metal cross that will lead to a Spanish cave filled with history-changing artifacts.  Reed believes that Tom Knox, part of an international smuggling ring, is  holding her hostage and intends to find the treasure by any means possible.  Knox has friends  hi high places, possibly one of the three FBI agents assigned to the case.  The crimes of looting and kidnapping soon become murder.  McQuede finds himself an unwilling ally of Arden Reed, and must join forces with men he dare not trust in order to locate the cave and rescue Loris.

Purchase Link: The Spanish Cave Heist

Book 13: The Serpent of Spirit Lake

A sea monster, terrible in its snakelike appearance, rises from the deep water, than vanishes into the great depth of Spirit Lake.

 Sheriff Jeff McQuede is called in to investigate the death of Evan Spence, multi-millionaire and owner of Spirit Lake resort, recently found dead when his boat crashed into rocks.  Instead of leaving his vast fortune to his son, Oliver, Spence has formed a trust which includes seven members. 

 Spirit Lake  has long been rumored to be the home of a mysterious lake serpent fondly called Jessie, which is similar to Scotland's infamous Loch Ness Monster.  The trust members are vying for control, with half of them wanting to capitalize on the Jessie legend, even to the point of building an amusement park, but meeting with adamant opposition from Oliver Spence.  After a new Jessie sighting is reported, people swarm to the Spirit Lake Resort, yet when a second mysterious drowning occurs, fear abounds, and they leave in droves.  Is the serpent real, or is someone using Jessie as a sinister tool of death to gain control of Spirit Lake?

All of our High Country Mystery books are available on Kindle, Kindle Unlimited, and as paperbacks through Amazon.  Most titles are also available on audio through Audible and Books in Motion. 

Saturday, August 31, 2024

 We are happy to announce the latest book in our High Country Mystery Series.  Join  Sheriff Jeff McQuede and his friends as they travel to Spirit Lake to check out the mysterious appearance of a legendary sea serpent!

A sea monster, terrible with its snakelike appearance, rises from the deep water, then vanishes into the great depth of Spirit Lake.

Sheriff Jeff McQuede is called in to investigate the death of Evan Spence, multi-millionaire and owner of Spirit Lake Resort, recently found dead when his boat crashed into rocks. Instead of leaving his vast fortune to his son, Oliver, Spence has formed a trust which includes seven members.

Spirit Lake has long been rumored to be the home of a mysterious lake serpent fondly called Jessie, which is similar to Scotland’s infamous Loch Ness Monster. The trust members are vying for control, with half of them wanting to capitalize on the Jessie legend, even to the point of building an amusement park, but meeting with adamant opposition from Oliver Spence.

After a new Jessie sighting is reported, people swarm to the Spirit Lake Resort, yet when a second mysterious drowning occurs, fear abounds, and they leave in droves. Is the serpent real, or is someone using Jessie as a sinister tool of death to gain control of Spirit Lake?

Click on this link to order THE SERPENT OF SPIRIT LAKE

Thursday, November 2, 2023

A new High Country Mystery-The Spanish Cave Heist!

A new High Country Mystery THE SPANISH CAVE HEIST has just been released on Kindle and in paperback.

Late at night Sheriff Jeff McQuede is awakened by a frantic pounding on  his door.  Arden Reed, his rival for Loris Conner, pleads for his help in finding Loris, who has been kidnapped.  Reed claims she possesses a metal ross that will lead to a Spanish cave filled with history-changing artifacts.  Reed believes that Tom Knox, part  of an international smuggling ring, is holding her hostage and intends to find the treasure by any means possible.  Knox has friends in high places, possibly one of the three FBI agents assigned to the case.  The crimes of looting and kidnapping soon become murder.  McQuede finds himself an unwilling ally of Arden Reed, and must join forces with men he dare not trust in order to  locate the cave and rescue Loris.

We hope you enjoy the twelfth book in the High Country Mystery Series.  Each book in the twelve book series contains a complete mystery and they can either be read in order or as standalones.

This book is available on paperback and Kindle.  Click this link to order